“… there is an uncertain territory
between night and day.
It is neither light nor shadow:
it is time.”
octavio paz
Wherever I have lived, I have gained a sense of the place by visiting it countless times over during any time of day, in all types of weather conditions. I have taken many hundreds of photos of water, of the ocean, inlets, flowing rivers. I certainly don’t share them all but the time spent in those experiences was remarkable, or rather, the cumulative effect of the experiences was. I’m able to simply observe and and allow my eyes to see lines and patterns that form through changing light, or changing conditions without much regard to time, or pressure to create something.
This photograph was taken on the coast of North Carolina on a day like many other days but at this moment, the setting sun and ocean displayed some sharp, beautiful, fluid delineations; more distinct lines than in the moments just before it.